Sunday, September 7, 2008

Happy Birthday to you!!

Our little Kaley turns 9 on September 9th. She was stubborn from the beginning. Before she was born I was induced. We tried for days in the hospital to get her to come. Finally the doctor told me I would need a c-section. Kaley then decided she wanted to be born. She entered this earth on 9-9-99. What an amazing birthday. pretty easy to remember. She is our little performer. She wanted a microphone with a stand for her big day. I couldn't find one so I got her a microphone with a cord instead. The sales guy said it would plug into the t.v. or D.V.D. player. Yeah, that didn't work! I also got her a karaoke c.d. to use along with it. That didn't work either. Oh well, Kaley is perfectly content with the microphone. She turned up the radio loud to sing to Hannah Montana. We love you Kaley. What a great blessing you are to our family. You bring such joy and happiness to me.


Jen Morrison said...

Happy Birthday!!!

Jennifer Pelo Rawlings said...

That is an awesome birth-date. Totally cool.

Fishing in Herriman

Fishing in Herriman
Kaley's big one. Kaley didn't have the patience to cast and wait for the fish to bite. I'm not sure how she managed to leave the pole in the water long enough to catch anything.

Kristyn fishing (kind of)

Kristyn fishing (kind of)
I think Kristyn would rather sit back and relax, and stay as far away from the fish as possible

Sydney' fish

Sydney' fish
Sydney was getting tired of fishing so she was reeling in the line to pack up and go home. She couldn't beleive it that there was a fish attached to the end of the pole

Blayne was ready for fishing before anyone

Blayne was ready for fishing before anyone
Blayne is quite the fishing pro. He has his own spiderman pole and his fishing hat.